
Welcome to my journal, documenting a dad’s realization of a dream for his family.   

I have maintained a list of life dreams in my “Day Planner” for decades.  In college, it included attaining a certain academic level at the University of Michigan.  When I was single, it included backpacking Europe, getting my pilot’s license, and jumping out of a plane.  After I married, it was taking a short term course in Israel and helping on a Mexican short term mission with Brenda; putting together a couple of bands and an a cappella singing group; and doing different kinds of races like biking and cross-country skiing. 

This is the big one… as it affects more than just me or Brenda, but a whole family.  This dream has been in mind for more than a decade, and we have been seriously working on it for over five years. 

I am normally a private person, but I have decided to share this adventure’s journal through our website to encourage others to go after their dreams in life.  I will probably make weekly entries.  I hope that through this journal I can in some small way, share with others, the blessing God has given our family in this adventure.